Throughout Illinois, community colleges are starting to offer cannabis education programs, with the goal of leading students to high-paying jobs at dispensaries throughout the state.
According to Matt Berry, chief of staff for the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), there are nine colleges offering certificates or degree-bearing programs. Within this education, you’ll find varying courses, from retail management to plant cultivation.
The ICCB’s approach to cannabis is largely inspired by other learning institutions, such as Illinois Central College (ICC) which offers free, non-credit courses. However, it’s also inspired by the fact that cannabis in Illinois brought in over $445 million in tax revenue last year.
“These [credit-bearing] programs are primarily located in the Chicagoland region, but also have programs at Southwestern Illinois College in Belleville, Illinois Valley Community College, and Kishwaukee College,” Berry told WSIU.
Industry experts believe the industry still hasn’t reached its peak. Some suggested it can support up to 1.75 million jobs throughout the United States by 2025.
Currently, we have little data concerning cannabis education and its effects on the industry. This is naturally due to the fact that programs simply haven’t been around long enough. For example, the education program offered by Oakton Community College (the first in Illinois) didn’t begin until the fall of 2019.
Not to mention, a bachelor’s in cannabis still remains obsolete. However, that’s bound to change—at least, in Illinois. By 2023, Olive-Harvey college is planning on offering full associate’s science degrees, directed toward cannabis research.
With this said, Berry is expecting to see a large influx of demand for these programs. And he expects this to continue to rise as long as dispensary locations in the state also climb.
“Every couple of months, we get a request for a new [cannabis education] program, so I think there will be more programs as the industry grows,” he told WSIU. “It’s certainly an issue where community colleges are able to nimble and respond to employer demands. Most, if not all of these programs are partnered with dispensaries or the industry in some way – so, they are really good examples of how the community college system works with business and industry to meet training needs.”
Popularity and Details of Cannabis Education in Illinois
When it comes to popularity and enrollment, cannabis has proven to be popular. At least, this is the case we’re seeing on ICC’s Peoria and East Peoria campuses.
According to Kristan Creek, coordinator of corporate and community education, “We released the information in May for our first two cannabis education courses in June and October, and they filled up within two days.”
The demand for these courses has proven to be important for Illinois’ cannabis industry. Since the industry is still in its infancy, it requires skills that weren’t previously taught in education systems.
In order to provide these talents to students, ICC has developed a five-section, in-person cannabis course known as “Cannabis Dispensary Agent Operations.” This focuses on the following:
- Cannabis plant basics and products
- History, myths, and stigmas of cannabis
- Laws, regulations, and operations
- Supply chain and inventory management
- Pathways into the cannabis industry
Since cannabis differs from other industries, the division of these courses is key to a successful marketplace. Notably, “laws, regulations, and operations” has proven to be essential due to the fact that cannabis remains a federally illegal substance.
ICC also offers other courses entitled “Cannabis Conversations for the Consumer” and “Cannabis Conversations for Healthcare Professionals.”
“There are a lot of opportunities in the cannabis field right now,” Creek told WSIU. “There are jobs available in marketing and business and sales. It’s a booming industry with lots of opportunities.”