
The World’s First Tourism Summit – Hotel Magazine


The non-profit organisation, Visit Valencia, has partnered with The World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage (WTACH) to host the world’s first tourism summit in 2023. For the protection and preservation of culture and heritage in the tourism industry, this summit will raise awareness and ensure that unique attributes of international tourist attractions are preserved.

Set to take place in Valencia, Spain, on the 24th-25th of September 2023, the summit, called GS23, will address essential tourism elements such as sustainable tourism.

“We want to show Valencia’s support for a new kind of tourism that is inclusive and cherishes the magnificent diversity of culture and heritage on our planet,” said Sandra Gómez, Vice Major of Valencia.

Nigel and Gomez shaking hands

At the Visit Valencia stand at the World Travel Market in London on November 7th, WTACH President and CEO Nigel Fell and Gómez agreed to host the global summit. They aim to inspire good governance and for international culture and heritage to be protected by travel and tourism.

“This inaugural summit is the expression of a movement whose time has come,” said Fell. “Valencia is a leading light in this field, so it was a natural fit for WTACH to work with Visit Valencia to introduce our inaugural global summit.”

outside of building

Currently the European Capital of Smart Tourism 2022 and World Design Capital 2022, Valencia is groundbreaking in its work with cultural and heritage preservation in tourism.

“The sensitive and wise preservation of both our past and living culture is very much a part of our ‘smart tourism’ ethos,” said Gómez.

Due to Valencia’s past achievements in sustainable tourism, climate neutrality, and a green transition, it was recently named European Green Capital 2024. GS23 aims to represent these achievements and Valencia’s ongoing work with culture and heritage protection, particularly of local communities where these values often come from.

Valencia sign, person taking photo

Aiming to attract representatives from government ministries, tour operators, tourism boards, communities, and NGOs, GS23 is ready for delegates to experience its dynamic city filled with modern and traditional culture.

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