
Three-Quarters Of New Zealand’s Indigenous Species At Risk Of Extinction


WELLINGTON, Mar 30 (NNN-XINHUA) – More than 75 percent of indigenous reptile, bird, bat, and freshwater fish species in New Zealand are threatened with extinction, or are at risk of becoming threatened, the statistics department Stats NZ said, today.

“Loss of many of our indigenous species is a real possibility,” said Michele Lloyd, senior manager of Environmental and Agricultural Statistics at Stats NZ.

About 94 percent of New Zealand’s reptile species, 82 percent of bird species, 80 percent of bat species, 76 percent of freshwater fish species, and 46 percent of vascular plant species, are either facing extinction or are at risk of being threatened with extinction, Lloyd said.

The report also shows that 39 of 47 freshwater and marine species are threatened with extinction, or at risk of becoming threatened, she said.

The indicator, “Extinction threat to indigenous species,” reports on the extinction threat for groupings of indigenous, resident, and living species in New Zealand, as assessed by expert panels, under the New Zealand Threat Classification System (NZTCS).


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